The link for applying to receive free or reduced meals is now active. Please visit and click on the provided link.
almost 2 years ago, Emily Palmer
The link for applying to receive free or reduced meals is now active. Please visit and click on the provided link.
Reminder: Freshman Open House is August 2nd from 4-6 pm! Please visit the following link for more information.
almost 2 years ago, Jessica Alred
FinalForms! Parents and Guardians, please remember to login to FinalForms and complete your students' online paperwork. You AND your students need to read and sign the forms. Please do this as soon as possible. If you need assistance, please visit the FinalForms page on our website: If you have experience with them and are ready to get started, you can proceed to the login page: THANK YOU!
almost 2 years ago, Jessica Alred
FinalForms Reminder
Make sure to check out the chromebook distribution times, as well as the user agreement. You can find both at
almost 2 years ago, Jessica Alred
Chromebook Distribution
Welcome to our new website! We hope you find everything you need to have a successful school year! Our web managers are still working to add helpful information so check back soon and often for more updates!
almost 2 years ago, District Web Manager
Red circle with new website text