It’s not everyday that you can confidently say that a piece of your artwork has been seen by tourists and government officials alike, but Sam Debord sure can! Debord’s watercolor piece, Maddie, was placed in the U.S. House Of Representatives Official Art Competition by Chuck Fleischmann and was selected to be placed in the Cannon Tunnel. Cannon Tunnel was one of the most well traveled hallways in the U.S. Capitol in June of 2022. Aside from the competition, he also visited the National Museum of Art, walked the downtown streets of D.C. to find ramen shops and reflected on the achievement of his artwork. Seeing his work displayed in such a populous setting made him even more inspired for future projects stating, “looking at others’ artwork inspires me the most.” With this achievement he now holds under his belt, Debord wants to get a degree in the fine arts at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Keep your eyes peeled for even more artwork from this talented young artist and many others alike in RCHS annual art shows. 

Wrote by: RCHS Student- Meghan Chamblin '23